
Name: Ban, Shintaro

Country: United States


- Matches played: 24

- First match on: 2018-06-14

- Current rating: 966

- Highest rating: 986 on 2018-06-14T00:00:00.000Z

- Current ranking: 1190

- Highest ranking: 156 on 2017-04-13

- Lowest ranking: 1190 on 2024-09-19

- Win percentage: 0.25

- Current streak: 1 wins

- Best winning streak: 3 on 2019-11-15

DateLocationOppositionOutcomePre Match RatingPoint ChangePost Match Rating
2021-09-17Safeway OpenGellerman, Michael95214966
2021-09-17Safeway OpenRoach, Wes961-9952
2021-09-16Safeway OpenGellerman, Michael971-10961
2021-09-16Safeway OpenRoach, Wes95615971
2019-11-17Mayakoba Golf ClassicWright, Chase963-7956
2019-11-17Mayakoba Golf ClassicJones, Matt94815963
2019-11-16Mayakoba Golf ClassicGarnett, Brice954-6948
2019-11-16Mayakoba Golf ClassicPiercy, Scott959-5954
2019-11-15Mayakoba Golf ClassicTrainer, Martin9590959
2019-11-15Mayakoba Golf ClassicBurns, Sam94613959
2019-11-14Mayakoba Golf ClassicTrainer, Martin93313946
2019-11-14Mayakoba Golf ClassicBurns, Sam91815933
2019-10-04Shriners Hospitals for Children OpenDavis, Cam9135918
2019-10-04Shriners Hospitals for Children OpenJones, Kyle9085913
2019-10-03Shriners Hospitals for Children OpenDavis, Cam915-7908
2019-10-03Shriners Hospitals for Children OpenJones, Kyle923-8915
2019-09-13A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierRoach, Wes932-9923
2019-09-13A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierCampos, Rafael940-8932
2019-09-12A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierRoach, Wes949-9940
2019-09-12A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierCampos, Rafael959-10949
2018-06-15U.S. OpenPark, Sung Joon972-13959
2018-06-15U.S. OpenWilkinson, Tim985-13972
2018-06-14U.S. OpenPark, Sung Joon986-1985
2018-06-14U.S. OpenWilkinson, Tim1000-14986